Dec 14, 2008

We want no more of 26/11

We want no more of 26/11-
to all those who fought bravely....caring more for the lives of others, then their loved ones....

So close was their relation
They stood as world's best creation,
Unknown of the coming fate
they lived for the present date,
All was well when he was there
Not that she knew TERROR was here;
They shared the Last Laughter
as he left for the Encounter,
She was unaware of what was to arrive
thought it was like every other crime,
Less that destiny had set the Tale
No chance was given to hale
Unguarded from the shots
She lost her father as he fought.....

Many have lost their loved ones….families left orphaned,
There are among them, those daughters of beloved fathers who are left with a stone heart still proud of what these men died for…, But the truth remains that they’re deprived of their strength.


  1. Heartfelt. Glad to see you have a blog!

  2. thanx..and u've got a grt colection!

  3. Hey, Great to see you in the blogosphere.
    Very well written, I agree with gotyang, it's heartfelt, I couldn't have said it better.
